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The Kuna Home Security Camera is a porch light fixture that installs and works just like any other porch light, but with a security camera built-in. The camera is motion-activated, so you can be alerted of any activity going on outside your house. Here’s how to install it and set it up.

Kuna家用安全摄像机是一种门廊灯具,可以像安装其他任何门廊灯一样安装和工作,但内置了安全摄像机。 摄像机是运动激活的,因此您可以收到房屋外正在进行的任何活动的警报。 这是安装和设置方法。

If you’ve replaced light fixtures before, then installing the Kuna will be familiar territory for you, since there’s no extra wiring that you need to mess with. The camera gets its power from the light fixture’s wiring, and it connects to your network over Wi-Fi.

如果您之前已经更换过灯具,那么安装Kuna将是您熟悉的领域,因为您无需弄乱任何多余的布线。 摄像机从灯具的布线中获取电源,并通过Wi-Fi连接到您的网络。

However, even if you’ve never installed a light fixture before, it’s actually not too difficult and only consists of three wires that are color coded to make it easy for anyone to wire it up.


你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)


To start, I want to reiterate: In order to install the Kuna, you need an existing porch light wired into your wall. The Kuna is not a standalone battery-powered product like the Ring–it needs to hook up to existing porch light wiring to work. So if you don’t have that, this will be a much longer process and you’ll probably need to contact a professional.

首先,我要重申:为了安装Kuna,您需要将现有的门廊灯连接到墙上。 Kuna不是像Ring那样的独立电池供电产品,它需要连接到现有的门廊照明布线才能工作。 因此,如果您没有这样做,那将是一个漫长的过程,您可能需要联系专业人员。

Assuming you’re replacing an existing porch light, though, you’ll only need a few tools to do the job. The absolute must-have tool is a Phillips-head screwdriver (also a flat-head screwdriver if you’re dealing with slotted screws on the old light fixture). This one tool can do the whole job for you, but some optional (and very handy) tools include a wire stripper (in case you need to cut wire or strip off wire housings), a voltage tester, and a power drill, which is easier than using a screwdriver in some cases.

但是,假设您要替换现有的门廊灯,则只需要一些工具即可完成工作。 绝对必要的工具是十字螺丝刀(如果要处理旧灯具上的一字螺丝,也可以是一字螺丝刀)。 这一个工具可以为您完成全部工作,但是一些可选(非常方便)的工具包括剥线钳(以防您需要剪断电线或剥去电线外壳),电压测试仪和电钻,它们是在某些情况下比使用螺丝刀更容易。

Also keep in mind that the Kuna requires a junction box to be installed onto. That’s because the Kuna uses a mounting plate that must first be screwed onto the junction box, and then the Kuna screws onto the mounting plate. Plus, you’ll need room to stick all of the wires into. There will likely already be a junction box in place, but if not, you’ll need to make some modifications.

还请记住,Kuna需要将接线盒安装到其上。 这是因为Kuna使用的安装板必须先拧到接线盒上,然后再将Kuna拧到安装板上。 另外,您将需要空间将所有电线插入其中。 可能已经有一个接线盒,但是如果没有,则需要进行一些修改。

第一步:关闭电源 (Step One: Turn Off the Power)


Technically, you could just flip the switch off that controls the light fixture that you’ll be replacing. This will kill all power running to the light fixture.

从技术上讲,您只需关闭将控制要更换的灯具的开关即可。 这将杀死所有流向灯具的功率。

However, once someone flips the switch on, power will instantly travel to those wires and you could get electrocuted. So if you want to be absolutely safe, you’ll want to turn the power off at the breaker box by flipping the corresponding breaker that controls the light fixture. You may have to go through some trial and error before you figure out which breaker corresponds to your porch light. Once your light switch no longer turns the light on, you know you’ve flipped the correct breaker.

但是,一旦有人打开开关,电源将立即通向这些电线,您可能会触电。 因此,如果您要绝对安全,则需要通过翻转控制灯具的相应断路器来关闭断路器箱的电源。 在确定哪个断路器与您的门廊灯相对应之前,您可能必须经过反复试验。 一旦您的电灯开关不再打开灯,您便知道您已拨动了正确的断路器。

第二步:卸下旧的灯具 (Step Two: Remove the Old Light Fixture)

The first thing you’ll want to do is remove the existing light fixture. There will be two to four screws that hold the light fixture to the exterior wall, that you’ll remove with a screwdriver or a power drill.

您要做的第一件事是移除现有的灯具。 将有两到四颗将灯具固定在外墙上的螺钉,您将使用螺丝刀或电钻将其卸下。


Carefully pull out the old light fixture since it will still be connected to the wall’s wiring. There will be a black wire, white wire, and sometimes a bare copper wire. The black wire is the power wire, the white wire is the return wire, and the bare copper wire is the ground wire. If there’s no ground wire, then it’s not a huge deal, but try to connect a ground wire if you can (sometimes the ground wire is buried in the back of the junction box sitting unused).

小心地拉出旧的灯具,因为它仍将连接到墙壁的布线。 将有黑线,白线,有时还有裸铜线。 黑线是电源线,白线是回路线,裸铜线是地线。 如果没有接地线,那么它是不是一个问题,但尝试,如果你能(有时地线埋在接线盒坐在未使用的背面)连接地线。


The wires coming out from the wall and the wires connected to the light fixture will be connected to one another with wire nuts.



All you have to do is twist the nuts counter-clockwise to disconnect them.



Once you have all three wire nuts taken off, you can gently remove the light fixture completely. There also might be a mounting plate attached to the junction box that you’ll need to remove as well, since we’ll be using a different mounting plate.

卸下所有三个线螺母后,就可以轻轻地将灯具完全卸下。 由于我们将使用其他安装板,因此接线盒上可能还会有一个安装板也需要卸下。

第二步:安装Kuna安全摄像机 (Step Two: Install the Kuna Security Camera)

Once the old light fixture is completely gone, you can now begin the installation process for the Kuna. However, depending on what your exterior wall is made of, you may have to do some modifications before you can actually install the new light fixture.

旧的灯具完全用完后,您现在就可以开始安装Kuna。 但是,根据外墙的材质,您可能需要做一些修改才能真正安装新的灯具。


For instance, if you’re installing the fixture over siding, you might want to take some shears and cut out a portion of the siding so that the Kuna light can fit flush with the exterior sheathing (a.k.a. the wall underneath the siding). You don’t have to do this, but the light fixture may not sit flush with the exterior wall and you’ll likely need to do some caulking to fill in the gaps.

例如,如果要在壁板上安装固定装置,则可能需要剪一些剪并剪掉壁板的一部分,以便Kuna灯可以与外部护套(也就是壁板下面的墙)齐平。 你没有做到这一点,但灯具可能与外墙齐平,你就可能需要做一些嵌缝填补空白。

The first thing you’ll need to do is install the mounting plate, which uses two included screws that go in on either side. It doesn’t matter if you mount it horizontally or vertically, but the two other screws sticking out need to be horizontal with each other.

您需要做的第一件事是安装安装板,该安装板使用随附的两颗螺钉插入两侧。 水平安装或垂直安装都没有关系,但是伸出的另外两个螺丝需要彼此水平放置。


Once the mounting plate is up, you can start installing the light fixture itself. Either have a friend hold up the light fixture for you while you wire it up, or hold up against the wall using your chest so that you have your hands free. The Kuna comes with a convenient hook that lets you hang the light fixture from the mounting plate, but it ended up hanging too far down for the wires to reach each other on my wall.

一旦安装板向上,您就可以开始安装灯具本身。 接线时,请一位朋友为您扶起灯具,或者用胸部靠在墙上,使您的手腾出来。 Kuna带有一个方便的挂钩,可让您将灯具悬挂在安装板上,但最终悬挂得太远了,电线无法互相到达我的墙上。

To wire it up, simply match the wall’s black wires to the Kuna’s black wires, the wall’s white wires to the Kuna’s white wires, and the wall’s ground wire (if there is one) to the Kuna’s ground wire. Use the included wire nuts to fasten eat set of two wires together. Do this by placing the two wires together side-by-side with the ends matching, then screwing the wire nut on like you’re turning a small knob. Stop when there’s an increase in resistance and you can’t turn it anymore.

要进行连接,只需将墙壁的黑色电线与Kuna的黑色电线匹配,将墙壁的白色电线与Kuna的白色电线匹配,并将墙壁的接地线(如果有)与Kuna的接地电线匹配即可。 使用附带的线螺母将两根线固定在一起。 为此,将两根导线并排放置,使两端匹配,然后像拧小旋钮一样拧紧导线螺母。 当阻力增加时停止,您再也无法转动它。


Once you have the wires connected, you’ll need to shove all of the wiring into the junction box. This shouldn’t be too hard, but you’ll definitely need to be forceful and push the wires back into the box, so don’t be afraid to get rough with it.

连接好导线后,您需要将所有导线推入接线盒。 这不应该太难,但是您绝对需要用力,将电线推回盒子中,所以不要害怕变得粗糙。


As you go to mount the Kuna light fixture over the mounting plate, those two screws sticking out will go through the two corresponding holes on the light fixture. Once you have the Kuna placed on the wall, those two screws will stick through. You’ll then take the two black screw nuts included with the Kuna and screw them onto the mounting screws, which will secure the light fixture into place. The screws don’t stick out very far, so the nuts might not screw on all the way, but get them as tight as possible.

当您将Kuna灯具安装到安装板上时,伸出的那两个螺钉将穿过灯具上的两个相应Kong。 将Kuna放在墙上后,这两个螺钉就会刺穿。 然后,您将把Kuna随附的两个黑色螺丝螺母拧紧到安装螺钉上,这将把灯具固定到位。 螺钉不会伸出太远,因此螺母可能不会一直拧紧,但要尽可能拧紧。


Once that’s done, the Kuna is ready to go and you can turn the power back on. Make sure to flip on the light switch and leave it on, since the light fixture will need constant power to stay connected to your Wi-Fi network.

完成后,Kuna已准备就绪,您可以重新打开电源。 确保打开照明开关并保持打开状态,因为照明设备将需要恒定的功率才能保持连接到Wi-Fi网络。

第三步:将其连接到Wi-Fi网络并通过手机进行控制 (Step Three: Connect It to Your Wi-Fi Network & Control It from Your Phone)

The last step is to set up the Kuna on the software end and connect it to your home’s Wi-Fi network so that you can see the live view of the camera right on your smartphone.


To start, download the Kuna app ( and ) and open it up. Tap on “Create an Account” if you don’t already have one.

首先,下载Kuna应用程序( 和 )并打开它。 如果您还没有,请点击“创建帐户”。


Enter your email address and create a password for your Kuna account. Then hit “Sign Up”.

输入您的电子邮件地址,并为您的Kuna帐户创建一个密码。 然后点击“注册”。


Once your account has been created, you’ll need to click the link in the confirmation email that you’ll receive and sign into your account in the app.



Next, tap on the camera icon in the top-right corner with the plus sign.


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On the next screen, select the type of Kuna product that you have. In this case, we’ll select “Kuna Light”.

在下一个屏幕上,选择您拥有的Kuna产品的类型。 在这种情况下,我们将选择“库纳灯”。


Your Kuna light should appear in the list. If not, move closer to it since the setup process uses Bluetooth (also make sure Bluetooth is turned on for your phone if it isn’t already). Once it appears, tap on it to select it.

您的Kuna灯应出现在列表中。 如果没有,请靠近它,因为设置过程使用蓝牙(如果尚未打开手机,请确保蓝牙已打开)。 出现后,点击它以将其选中。


The next screen will consist of some finer details, like location and your Wi-Fi network. Start by tapping on “Location” and enter in your city or town. You don’t have to provide your address, and this feature makes dawn/dusk scheduling work better than the built-in light sensor.

下一个屏幕将包含一些更详细的信息,例如位置和您的Wi-Fi网络。 首先点击“位置”,然后输入您的城市或城镇。 您无需提供地址,并且此功能使黎明/黄昏调度比内置的光传感器更好。


After that, tap on the Wi-Fi network. The Kuna may automatically select strongest Wi-Fi network that it detects, but if it’s the wrong one, select your actual Wi-Fi network from the list.

之后,点击Wi-Fi网络。 Kuna可能会自动选择它检测到的最强的Wi-Fi网络,但是如果是错误的,请从列表中选择您的实际Wi-Fi网络。


Next, enter in the password for your Wi-Fi.



After that, tap on “Set Up Camera” at the bottom.



The setup can take a few minutes, but after it’s complete, you’ll get a pop-up saying that the camera is all set up and ready to go.



You’ll be taken to the main screen where your Kuna camera will be visible. If you have multiple Kuna cameras, they’ll appear on this screen.

您将被带到显示您的Kuna相机的主屏幕。 如果您有多台Kuna相机,它们将出现在此屏幕上。


Tapping on the camera will bring up the live view and allows you to do a handful of things, like push-to-talk, sound an alarm, turn on the porch light, and play a pre-recorded message.



From the main screen, you can also tap on the settings gear icon on the camera picture to get access to different settings and features for that camera, like motion sensitivity, light settings, alert settings, renaming the Kuna, and more.


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